Announcing the Winners of the 6th Snapmaking Contest!
In our latest Snapmaking contest to make gifts for kids, users from our community created 41 pieces of work. We are impressed by the quality of these designs and the effort and love you had in making them. It’s always hard to pick winners among all these lovely works, but we have finally made our choices and let’s see who brings home the prizes!

First Prize- 3D Printed Prosthesis by Jordon Lewis Ockey
“I had the great opportunity to both use my newly acquired 3D design abilities and promote limb difference awareness at the same time! After a couple of modifications to this 3D printed prosthesis and my niece is well on her way to being a pro jump roper! For now, she can still fling the rope over her head! And it cuts out a second too soon but you can hear her start to say “Mom I’m jump roping!” So glad it could make her so happy!”

Second Prize – Educational Toy by takeotaの物欲し雑記帳
“I made the educational toy to learn how the “Dimple Key System” works. It is compatible with Lego bricks and allows you to create 256 different key combinations!”

Learn more on 3Dプリンターで作る知育グッズ レゴ互換ディンプルキーを作成しました | takeotaの物欲し雑記帳
Third Prize – Lampshade by Mike Dyer
“Cool lampshade for the kids to remember all the fun times with grandma and grandpa. This was a Christmas present that came down to about the last day. I had to print it twice because the first one got blemished when it was nearly done. The filament was running low and in the middle of the night, it fell off the spool holder and went behind the bed of the machine. Then as the bed moved back and forth it pushed against the spool (which was pinned against the wall) and pushed the whole machine out. Was just enough to put an obvious line around my lampshade ruining it. Had just enough time for Santa to bring a new one.”

Lucky Prize A -Robot Arm by matousrokos
“We took back the robot arm Berthelette and teach it to play one of the simplest child games! If Berthelette can do it, then your child can too. Obviously, the little game was printed on a Snapmaker as for most of the arm.”

Lucky Prize B – Sci-fi Gun Toy by Marine Cukierman
“It is a sci-fi space gun toy for my little cousin for his birthday this summer. The PCB is done with the A250 by CNC with the shell also printed on Snapmaker A250.”

Lucky Prize C – Wooden Trains by helixbyte
“Used everything that Snapmaker has to offer on this project 🙂 My little niece and nephew got those common wooden tracks and as sons of a former train engineer, with my brother, we couldn’t stop complaining about how unrealistic those wooden toy trains look. We also walk together with the kids a lot to watch trains and the most common one in their area is the one in the picture. So I decided to make it. Made the model from scratch according to blueprints and modified it to fit the tracks. The body is CNCed from beech wood, wheels and roof are 3D printed to add a bit of detail and signs are laser engraved. Toys had to be realistic but also work on tracks with sharp turns and be durable. Couldn’t have anything sharp, pointing, or easy to break. The whole process taught me a lot and had quite fun making it :)”

Congratulations to all of our winners.
As a regular contest among Snapmaker users, we’re looking forward to receiving more creative works from you guys in the upcoming 7th Snapmaking Contest!
Happy Makings!
Team Snapmaker